about us
SUNDUNE FIBRES is a yarn company founded on the principles of connection and creativity. fibre crafts have connected humans to the earth, to the past, to the future, and to each other for millennia. we aim to facilitate that connection through valuing people over profit and process over productivity.
to us, connecting over fibre looks like many things, including:
attending a market of local makers & artists, learning a new skill or craft, a few hours sharing skills with others, watching a favorite blogger online while knitting, a weekend retreat away from home, a day spent exploring local history - including use of textiles and the role of makers, complimenting another's craft, having a knit night with friends, and a myriad of other ways
what does connection look like to you?

meet the team
like many small businesses, we currently have a team of one! founder, owner, and general worker carmin beck is a fibre-lover with a deep passion for wool. she picked up knitting while working part-time at a local yarn store doing inventory. her love for natural fibres, especially wool, was nurtured as she learned more about the textile industry and materials.
carmin is primarily a knitter but enjoys dabbling in crochet, weaving, and embroidery. she is an american who lives in õtautahi christchurch, aotearoa new zealand where she enjoys the rich nature of the local landscape, native bird call, and the plethora of sheep!